Calling All Mummies To Be…

This is a collaborative post.

Pregnancy is, by far, one of the most joyful yet painful experiences for any woman out there. Both the privilege and feeling of bringing new life to the world is second to none, and that almost immediate bond and attachment to this beautiful being you have just created leaves you in awe of yourself.  

That being said, the entire journey of pregnancy – a total of nine months from start to finish – is not an easy one. So here are a few tips to help you throughout those nine exhausting months leading up to the long-awaited first meeting with your beautiful bundle of joy!



Heartburn is often pretty frequent amongst expectant mothers; to keep occurrences to a minimum, try eating your last meal at least two hours before retiring to bed. Also, try to avoid reclining and lying back after a meal – this reduces the acid reflux, which causes heartburn. Using extra pillows to elevate your upper back and head in accordance to your abdomen is also a great reliever for indigestion.

Like Mother, Like Daughter…

Many of us ladies often go by what our own mothers were like during their pregnancies, as we feel we often follow in the same way. This is not the case; our bodies are extremely different and are not accustomed to what our mother was like whilst she carried us. Don’t just assume your body is as strong. Opt for childbirth classes, get to know your body and what it needs in terms of nutrition, exercise, relaxation and aftercare – once you are educated on how your body works, you will find you are a lot more relaxed and prepared for childbirth – and you will be glad you did!

Woman with a Plan!

You may have already decided which hospital you plan to give birth in, so familiarise yourself with the staff and the hospital’s facilities, take a tour of the building and don’t forget to take your husband with you. We forget it is sometimes quite difficult for our partners as they are completely out of their depth in a situation that is predominantly based around women. Be sure to involve him wherever you can; this is also ideal should he have any questions, and ensures he is accommodated for too.

Eating for Two?

Looking after yourself is essential during the months of pregnancy, and nutritious eating is important too. Remember, you are not eating for yourself; you are nourishing your child at the same time. This does not mean eating for two, it means eating the right things overall. Take sufficient vitamins to ensure proper growth and development of your baby as well.

Practice Makes Perfect

If you aren’t aware how to handle a newborn baby, converse with other mothers in your friendship circle; you could even offer to babysit for them. Get used to having a child around, but don’t forget – no two children are the same.

(Your friend will be sure to return the favour one day and give you a well-deserved break when you need it the most too!)

Giving birth is such a beautiful and joyous experience for women – especially seeing as the lead up gives you an opportunity to bond with your child before it is even born. Pregnancy is a long journey though, so be sure to really enjoy the experience of giving birth to your child.

Whilst you do prepare for the arrival of your newborn, don’t forget to pray for those expectant mothers who do not have the advantage and privileges we do when preparing for childbirth. Currently, so many Syrian mothers are facing increasing difficulty following their choice to flee from Syria and seek refuge in countries nearby.

With a lack of basic necessities and medical aid, many of these expectant mothers are left to fend for themselves, with no knowledge or preparation for what will happen during their child’s birth. Where the arrival of a child was once news of joy and happiness, for them it has now turned to fear and worry.

Due to a major financial deficiency, many of these Syrian mothers have no option but to give birth in unsafe conditions, with no guidance or support. So whilst we have all the luxuries we may need during child expectancy, let’s not forget that there are Muslim charities that support child birth by helping mothers and their babies. Donating towards a new life is a beautiful gift to give. 

New beginnings bring many new possibilities, so let new hope be born.

Congratulations, good luck and all the best with the birth of your new arrival insh’allah. May Allah SWT bring infinite happiness and joy into your home with the birth of your new child. Ameen. 



Sonu Hussain

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