Growing Old and Breaking Barriers

This is a collaborative post.

We may try not to think about it but we are going to get old. In fact we are getting older day by day. I’m in my 30’s and to the younger generation that probably seems old but you really are only as old as you feel. Yes I know that is a bit of a cliche, but just because you hit a certain number doesn’t mean you are ‘past’ it.

Some feel that the older generation are a burden, that they require care, that they can’t learn new skills. But we should be more appreciative of them. They have more life experience and skills then us….and there is nothing stopping them from learning new skills.

You are never too old to learn a skill.

Bathing Solutions are trying to break social barriers with their campaign.

For one of the first times in history we are about to see the number of our senior generation surpass that of the youth, with those 65 and up making up 15.6% of the global population by 2050!

It can be difficult to see elderly relatives get old. Especially your own parents and especially if they get ill. My father is 76 and at the moment he is ill and his condition is only going to get worse. But he was very active up until his diagnosis. Getting old doesn’t mean you have to put a stop to learning. I remember as part of my previous employment with the Citizens Advice Bureau I used to go to a Women’s Centre. They had specific classes for the elderly ladies to teach them the skills they needed to learn how to use the internet. The classes were so popular they had a waiting list so clearly there was a demand for this and the older generation wanted to learn. And we should be encouraging that! We should be encouraging them to learn new skills, be creative and active.

Being older no longer means you need to get a reclining chair, fluffy warm slippers and a nice comfy blanket.

Elderly couple breaking barriers

My parents neighbours are some of those that are breaking barriers. In their 80’s they are still remaining active. Volunteering at their local charity shop and even learning a new skill – dancing. I hope that if I get to that age I am as active as them!


Times are changing and it’s time for us to change too, breaking the stigma and encouraging each other to take action and get inspired to learn new skills or tricks of the trade.


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