Project 365 – September 24 to September 30

A pretty boring, and on the whole an uneventful week to be honest… (except for Friday!)

Day 267 – Bee has been sent a Silvercross Dolls Pram so we have been reviewing that. She loves it!

Day 268 – Trying to get myself motivated to do the blogging things I need to do and get organised.

Day 269 – Pic of Rosie looking cute….now that hubby is back she doesn’t get to sneak on the bed at night and fall asleep so she sneaks on during the day while he’s at work!

Day 270 – A quiet day with not much happening aside from the school runs… so enjoying some ice cream. And waiting for the boiler man to come and service the boiler. Am considering being a parent governor at Bee’s school so had a chat with the chair today.

Day 271 – Bee’s karate lesson, she hasn’t been for a week as she’s had a slight cold….eldest always gets bored having to wait around for an hour so take the laptop for her to do her homework/play games. Also got some windows fitted in the morning.

Day 272 – Got invited to Hotter for their Fit Fortnight event, met Prince Charming and came away with some shoes! Dad also had a scan on his liver and thankfully it is stable and hasn’t worsened since his last scan.

Day 273 – A chilled out Sunday with karate and horse riding. I found one of Bee’s old changing mats in the cupboard, was going to throw it away but then cat seems to think its comfy enough to sleep on so its hers now!

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