My Queensgate Winter Wishlist – #qblogger challenge

Last week Queensgate Shopping Centre challenged us to create our own winter wish list of 10 items that are available and perfect for Christmas. My Christmas participation is minimal but I enter into the spirit of things by munching away on chocolate and watching all the Christmas films even though I have seen them over

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Father’s Day Hotel Chocolat Giveaway

We don’t really celebrate Father’s Day in a big way, but whenever I do buy a gift for my dad, or for my hubby, I struggle. I mean what do you get someone who basically has everything he needs, and doesn’t really seem ‘into’ anything. But one thing you generally can’t fail with in the

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Review: Hotel Chocolat Christmas Goody Bag

Now as a Muslim Mummy I don’t celebrate Christmas, which is why I haven’t really mentioned Christmas in any of my blog posts. But one thing I do join in with is the eating of festive chocolate! Chocolate, even shaped in reindeer and santa is chocolate right? And when I got the opportunity to try

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