Asalaam Alaikum!
Headlice make my skin crawl!
Munchkin got her first letter from school last week saying headlice had been spotted in her class. I didn’t think much of it as I didn’t see her scratching. So I thought we had escaped! Yay!!!
More fool me!
Today my mum noticed her scratching so checked her head…..she spotted eggs!!!
So off I go in a mad dash to the chemist! They only had the solution you have to leave in your head for 12 hours or overnight. So went to another and thankfully they had the 10 minute one! Munchkin asked if she had ants in her head!! LOL
So she has now been treated and inshAllah we have got rid of them. Having said that I am now paranoid so think I will have to treat myself just to be on the safe side.
One good thing did come out of this. The chemist told me about a scheme they have. He gave me a book and I can get medicine for munchkin free. They were giving me the 12 hours solution free but I wanted the 10 minute one. However, he still gave me the book and said if she ever has a cold/temperature/cough I can get her medicine free over the counter!! YAY!