Can’t wait for our holiday!! Pakistan!

Asalaam Alaikum/Hi All
Ooooh I am getting excited! Less than 2 months to go till my holidays inshAllah! We are going Pakistan again to see the in-laws. I must admit I do sometimes get frustrated that we only ever seem to go Pakistan and no where else……but hey, 3 weeks of no cooking, no cleaning, no washing…..can’t complain.
I am getting my shopping list ready:
Clothes ……..Clothes …….. and yep you guessed it…..more clothes!!
And this time I told hubby I want to go to the Pizza Hut there! Halal Pizza Hut!!! ( I think perhaps Ramadan is making me a bit over excited when it comes to food!)
Anyway… are some pictures I took the last time we went. We went on a day trip to Lahore which included the zoo. Enjoy!

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  • Hey Assalamu Alaikum!
    I haven't been in so long, I'm jealous. -___-
    But I hope you have a great time insha'Allah.

  • Nice – I imagine how excited you may be. Would like holiday too, let's be patient…… the meantime get ready, 2 months will fly.

  • Wa alaikum asalaam Nas. Will hide you in my suitcase if you like!!

    Marie, yes it will certainly fly by. We actually booked our tickets back in April, only seems like yesterday. Must start getting organised now!