
Asalaam Alaikum/Hi all!

I have been given a number of awards but have not had a chance to post them all so am now going to do them all in one go!

Firstly thank you to Inspiring Always  for giving me the following award:

The Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
The rules are simple:
  1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogsphere – other bloggers.
  5. And, best of all – have fun and spread the karma.
Now to re-award it. I have tried to pick blogs I have not given awards to before or are very new. So I award the following blogs: 

Now moving on to the rest of the awards.

The lovely Aiman from Gold-Dust has given me not one but EIGHT awards. Thank you! šŸ™‚

So here goes:

Now I have a number of questions to answer and facts to post.

7 Random Facts:

1. I have a temper and can get angry easily (unfortunately)
2. I guess I expect alot from my friends, if they let me down or hurt me I find it difficult to let them back in my life.
3. I am a car freak and am tempted to change my car regularly!
4. I love computer games.
5. I tend to hoard things (really need to declutter my house!)

Ok is that random enough? lol


A. Favt. color

B. favt. animal

C. Favt. numbers

D. What perfume you are using right now
DKNY Be Delicious Fresh Blossom

E. Something that you always wear that identifies you
My Rings

F. What’s your passion?
My family

G. What was the last eyeshadow i used
Don’t wear makeup

H. Favt. Day of the week?
The day hubby is off work and we go out as a family.

There are a few more questions but sorry I do not have the time to answer them all!
So who do I award these to?
Hmmm…. I think anyone who reads this whole post!!! šŸ˜‰ So if you have got to the bottom of this post then consider yourself tagged! 


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