I am baaack!

Asalaam Alaikum/Hi all!

As you may have gathered, I am back in the UK!! Yay! So glad to be home alhamdulillah but missing the weather over there!!

We arrived Saturday night and since then have been pretty much on the go; went back to to work on Monday.

As a result am still feeling a bit tired and have been falling asleep before 9pm which is totally not normal for me!!! So I apologise for not catching up with your blogs yet or for posting many updates. InshAllah I will be back to normal next week.

For now here are some pictures I took on our flight home. Enjoy!


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  • Happy to see you are back Foz and had a good time over. Lovely photos!
    I imagine there are many things to do when you are back and some good rest to get.
    Have a relaxing week-end and read you soon!

  • Welcome back. I'm sure you have heaps to do and missing those you left back home!

    Have a good rest and see you soon.

  • Assalamu Aleykum dear sister,

    Welcome back!Hope you had a lovely time in Pakistan and everything went well over there.Hope you didn't get ill this time!
    MashALLAH lovely pictures, oh my is this Isl airport?It looks familar to me lol.

    Happy to have you back to the blogosphere!

    Lot of love