Announcement: I am going to be a mummy (again)


For those of you who do not know yet, I am almost 9 weeks pregnant alhamdulillah.

I had started up a new blog but realised it would be too much work to keep two going at the same time so inshAllah will transfer the posts and comments already made on that blog before I delete it.

My pregnancy is one of the reasons I have not been commenting as much on your blogs: I have been extremely tired in the evenings and just about manage to do the few things I need to online before I want to get to bed.

InshAllah I look forward to sharing my journey with you all.Photobucket

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  • Salaam alaykum,

    mubarak! May Allah give you a good pregnancy, followed by an easy delivery and a healthy baby, ameen.

    Don't worry about us, try to take the rest you need. I know how it is. I've had times I coulnd't keep my eyes open during daytime.

  • Wa alaikum asalaam! Ameen to your dua.

    InshAllah the tiredness will go in the second trimester so should be back to normal for a while!