Booking in Appointment

So I finally had my booking in appointment today with the midwife. I was getting a bit worried as I had not heard from her but she rang at 2pm and apologised because she had to attend an unplanned home birth in the morning which was making her late with other appointments.
She arrived within 15 minutes of the phonecall and as soon as she came in I liked her. She was friendly and chatty and really put me at my ease. Alhamdulillah I am so glad about that as it would have been unbearable if I could not stand her.
I had forgotten how much paperwork there is involved and all the questions to get a full detailed history. The appointment lasted over an hour, not just because of all the paperwork that had to be completed but because she was so chatty!! I gave her a cup of tea and cake and she was happy.

Because I had gestational diabetes in my first pregnancy, I have to be referred to the diabetes team and start monitoring my blood sugar levels immediately. Oh the joy of pricking your finger 3 times a day to check your sugar levels(!) The more I hate needles, the more I have to deal with them.
Because of all this I am now under consultant led care rather than midwife led care. It doesn’t mean I won’t regularly be seeing my midwife, it just means there is someone else who will also be keeping an eye on me. My midwife did say the consultant may just see me once and then leave it all up to the midwives. We will see.
I now have to wait to be called in to have my blood test, to see the diabetes team and have my scan. InshAllah my scan should be anytime between the 6th March and 22nd March. Can’t wait inshAllah. Then all being well my next appointment will be with the midwife at 16 weeks – which will be in April.
I have also been given my bounty pack and will soon go and collect my ‘Mum-to-be’ Pack. I can’t remember what was in it last time I got it.
It all seems a bit more real now and am slowly starting to look at pushchairs to try to decide which one I want to get. I will eventually have to get out all the other baby things I had put away in the cupboard and loft to see what is still in a fit state to use, but right now I think it is a bit too early.


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  • How exciting! I only spent the last month of my pregnancy with Nora in England and they were so fab, coming to the house to visit and the after care was so great too. I got breastfeeding advice and people coming over the house to help out whenever I called. I think they have a really good service in the UK. Glad your midwife seems so friendly – it makes SUCH big difference!

  • Yes it definitely does make a difference. I remember one midwife I came across in the hospital and I hated her – she seemed to have an attitude problem with me and I remember thinking it was because I was asian because she seemed fine with others.

    Luckily I didn't have to have much to do with her.

  • I am glad all went well Foz and you get on well with the midwife, I think it is important….I am so excited for you.
    Wondering what do you get in the 'bounty' & 'Mum-to-be' Packs? Just being curious really.
    Take care.xo

  • Salaam alaykum,

    insh'Allah no diabetes this time.

    Looking forward to the scan, insha'Allah the little one will be ok.

    take care,

    Umm Mini

  • Marie, its a parenting group online called Bounty. They do 4 or 5 packs, 2 you get before birth, one on the labour ward and then the others after birth.

    I vaguely remember getting samples of nappies and creams, vouchers. When I pick up the pack will do a post for you to show whats in it.

    Wa alaikum asalaam umm mini. yes inshAllah am hoping the diabetes stays away, means I have to cut down on chocolate drastically!!

  • Dear sis,

    Asslamu Alaikkum!

    So glad for you that every thing is going fine. I have no idea about the midwife stuff and all.. though I have heard about it. I had all different care back in India, when I was carrying Liya. But this sounds very exciting. A good caretaker make us feel half relived right?

    May Allah bless you with good health!

  • Asa, ran across your blog online. I'm actually looking for a muslim midwife for my self. Problem is i live in pakistan, where homebirth 'by choice' is unheard of, and so no real midwifes to be found.

    Do you know of any muslim midwife who may be willing to travel?.

  • Wa alaikum asalaam

    Sorry but unfortunately I do not know of any muslim midwifes. InshAllah you will find someone