Lice – Every parents nightmare

Munchkin never got lice. That is until she started school!

The first time was within weeks of starting reception and she passed them on to me. Having long hair leads to a nightmare scenario of trying to get them out.
What made it worse was that I hadn’t initially spotted them. Well I had no experience of lice did I??
I had taken her to the hairdresser to get her fringe cut. The hairdresser was quite happily parting her hair and then she paused and frowned. I noticed her looking closer. Even then I didn’t realise. I mean why would I? My daughter couldn’t get headlice. Not possible!
But yes it was the dreaded lice.
I was mortified. How embarrassing was that? To be told in front of others in the salon that they couldn’t cut her hair because of the lice.
I ran straight out the salon to the chemist next door to find out about headlice treatment! 
The trick really with head lice is patience – you need to go through the hair to make sure you have got all the eggs and lice. And do a further treatment after a few weeks to catch any you have missed.
I don’t like using chemicals too much so am always on the look out for tips, tricks and new inventions that don’t use chemical such as the Lousebuster device which claims to be a revolutionary new way to kill lice.
I was advised of a few natural remedies by friends:
Tea tea oil conditioner is supposed to help keep them away
Wash the hair in vinegar
A solution of vinegar, lemon and olive oil
Salt apparently helps to take the eggs out
Now I haven’t tried any of the tips mentioned but next time munchkin gets lice I will be willing to have a go as I hate the things. Even thinking about them is making my head feel itchy!!

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