Trip to the beach!

This weekend I was determined to go out somewhere, come rain or shine!!

I was seriously getting fed up of sitting at home at the weekend and getting totally bored out my brains. I have been meaning to take munchkin for a day out for the past month as during the summer holidays I will be heavily pregnant. Even after just 3 hours at the beach I couldn’t believe how exhausted I ended up being at just 27 weeks!!
We went to  Hunstanton which also has the Sea Life Sanctuary. Apart from it being a bit windy we had a lovely day. In all honesty I prefer it when it is not too hot. It is less busy, you are not sweating away AND you don’t have practically naked people every where you look! Sorry but I can’t stand seeing everyone else’s flesh. 
Enjoy the  pics!! Am linking this post with Fiona at Combes Mill
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


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  • Assalamualeikum wa rahmatulahi wabarakatuhu!

    That sounds like so much fun… šŸ™‚ I know how you feel, some weekends you are just so BORED that you'll accept ANY offer of going out, so long as it actually is away from ones home… -.-'

    But alhamdulillah, good you guys had fun!

    Salaam and peace

  • I know what you mean about getting out, we are lucky enough to have the farm here but I still love a trip out to the beach on a good weekend. Thank you for sharing all your lovely photos, I would love to go pony riding on the beach!

  • Assalamu Alaykum!
    hehehe, I'm on your side about "I can't stand seeing people's flesh" over here in Cyprus the beaches are full, and its like – flesh – flesh – woobly – woobly! I Love those photos ,those ponies, they are adorable. Glad you had a nice day out at the beach, get some fresh air ;), My mother used to go to the beach where there are not much people, when she was pregnant with me, but she swam instead , the water helps in carrying some of the belly weight. Anyway, thanks for sharing Foz, have a lovely day

  • Oh wow! It feels like ages since I last went to a beach. There aren't any in the place where I live. So even if I want to go, I'll have to plan in advance, book tickets, pack up this and that…

    It's wonderful that at long last you managed to make this visit.
    Take care! šŸ™‚

  • wa alaikum asalaam!

    Yes I was certainly feeling that way and hubby realised I was getting bored and moody!!

  • Wa alaikum asalaam!

    Woobly woobly!! LOL!! Exactly!!

    I can't swim…..guess I would drown if I tried!