Week 31 ~ Pregnancy Update

31 weeks alhamdulillah!!
The weeks have flown by!
I keep being told that there is not long to go now and it will continue to fly by. But I remember in my first pregnancy the final weeks dragged!!
I have now left work. I am on annual leave until the end of July and maternity leave starts 1st August. It is kind of early and I probably could have continued to work until the end of August. But I thought it would be nice to spend the summer holidays with munchkin and also because it is Ramadan I did not want my parents to end up looking after her; not that she is any bother to them…but still.
It was a bit emotional leaving work. I have been there for 8 years and this time it is unlikely that I will have a job to return too. Although if our financial situation allows it then I am in no rush to return. My work colleagues did a collection and gave me some Marks and Spencers vouchers and a baby rattle.
A few other colleagues gave me some separate things which included a mothercare voucher, a hat, comfort blanket and a photo frame. It was soo nice of them all. I did manage to stop myself getting too emotional!! Obviously the hormones were behaving today! 
I will miss them all.
As there is only 9 weeks to go inshAllah, (7 if I am induced) I have slowly started to buy bits and bobs. I have most of the things I need for my hospital bag and just need to pack it and figure out which items I have missed out. I have also brought a few baby items but need to buy a few more vests and babygrows to take to the hospital. Really must try to get everything in the next week.
I have my next appointment with the diabetes team on Thursday. My sugar levels are slowly creeping up so am worried that they will consider insulin. I really am not good with needles so have no idea how I will inject myself if they do put me onto insulin!!
I will also be having my next scan to check baby’s growth and ensure the placenta has moved out of the way. I think they will also be discussing whether I need to be induced at 38 weeks. 
Will update you all next week inshAllah.

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  • Regular checking and scanning will helpful to know the growth of the baby.by knowing growth of baby you can take care of baby by taking advices of the doctors.

  • Salam, dont worry too much about the diabetes. So long as your sugar intake is controled inshallah everything will be fine.

  • Don't worry foz! Cheer up and enjoy time with little girl!

    It is so nice that your work colleague gave you a memorable sent off. Alhamdulillah, that your health is good…:)

    Ramadan Mubarak!