Review: Funky Giraffe Bandana Bibs

You just can’t have enough bibs.
No seriously.
You CANNOT have enough.
Any mummy with a teething baby will be nodding their heads in agreement.
I had forgotten how much babies dribble… when I was asked if I would like to review some bibs from Funky Giraffe I just couldn’t say no. I had already purchased some bibs from Funky Giraffe but noticed that this time they were selling some slightly larger ones so was keen to check them out.
Funky Giraffe have a wide range of unique designs so my first mission was to decide which designs I would like. As I can be totally indecisive, this was not an easy task as all the designs were great.
After much scratching of the head, I finally chose a mixture of bandana (dribble) bibs and XL bandana bibs.

We simply adore the ‘little sister’ bib.
We love these bibs. They are made of soft cotton and have a fleece backing. They are gentle enough to be worn throughout the day which protects Bee’s clothes from her insane amount of dribble. And they are so stylish they look great with practically any outfit. 
The XL bibs are great for those days when there’s alot of dribbling going on. They are larger but not to large as you can see in the picture below.
And we have a lot of dribbling going on, this was literally just after 5 mins of wearing the bib:
What is also great about the bibs is that ethically sourced materials are used and in my opinion are sold at a reasonable price. The bibs also have 2 poppers so that the bib can grow with your baby and it also ensures a snugger fit. 
Disclaimer: We were sent free bibs for review purposes; however all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  • This is very true!! We have about a million on these type. Z was such a drooler he had one around his neck permanently. Your little girl is getting so big so fast. And so cute!

  • They are the sweetest bibs! The colours are really nice too, so many of my friends have had babies recently, I was thinking of buying them personalised stroller blankets and sleep suits, now I'm going to have to add these bibs to my list too!