Peter Rabbit Organics Review

I remember Peter Rabbit from my childhood days, and it seems Peter Rabbit is making a comeback! Peter Rabbit has a new organic food and drink range and we were recently invited to try it. Although I’m making most of Bee’s food at home, I do keep a stock of some pouches at home for days out or simply when I haven’t had a chance to cook.
We were sent a fruit purée, 2 sauces and a juice.
Sadly the sauces are only suitable from 9 months so we have stored them away in the cupboard as Bee is only just about to turn 8 months.
However there was nothing to stop us trying the purée and the juice drink as both are suitable from 6 months.
Although you can eat the purée straight from the pouch, Bee isn’t capable of managing that yet so we squeezed it out into her bowl.
Although Bee does love her fruit purées she did seem slightly unsure at first of this but after some cajoling she finished it off. The portion for her at 8 months is quite small but it would be fine as a fruit snack or dessert after her main meal. 
Up to this day Bee has only ever had water so I was unsure if she would take to the juice. I was happy for her to try some as the juice contains no added sugar, salt or artificial ingredients. It is has added vitamin C and is 100% organic.
I tried some first to make sure it wasn’t too strong and was happy with the taste as it wasn’t overpowering or too sweet. We used her sippy cup as she is too young to use the straw and she was surprised initially at the taste but quite happily drank it. 
I can’t wait to use the sauces as Bee has moved onto textures and already eats pasta and sauce. 
Disclaimer: I was sent Peter Rabbit Baby Food for free for the purposes of review. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  • It looks like good products – I remember trying some biscuits and I loved them. I'll keep this in mind when Mister Pop time comes!
    Hope you are keeping well dear. xx