Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

I never used to be into gardening when I lived with my parents. I would just leave them to it. But since having my own home and a decent sized garden, I've been more interested in it and love growing flowers. I have shared a few pictures on the blog.

So when I heard of the MoneySupermarket Kids Grow Wild challenge I just had to take part. We were sent a cute gardening kit to get us started.

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge
Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

Munchkin was very happy to have her own gardening kit. I think she's getting her green fingers from me.

Rather than pot all the seeds into pots I decided that we would give Munchkin a small area of the garden to call her own. Don't ask me what possessed me to take on such a project; my back suffered after!!

So this is the area we decided to work on.

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

The rose bush in that corner looks abit sickly this year so I decided to pull it out (we have 9 more healthy ones so didn't matter about this one).

Then using some log edging I decided the area Munchkin could have and we started to clear it of grass and weeds. Once that was completed I added a whole bag of compost for Munchkin and got her to spread it out.

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

Once the compost was in it was time for planting!!

We had been sent 3 packets of seeds. However 2 of them should have been sown before June. Plus the rabbit finds sunflowers tasty and they never survive in our garden. So we decided to purchase some plants (Petunia) and just use the Pansy seeds.

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

I think Munchkin's favourite part was the planting! Once that was done she sprinkled the pansy seeds in between the plants.

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge
Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

Although once planted our pet rabbit decided to be nosey and do some digging himself.

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

We are quite pleased with the outcome and can't wait for all the plants to flower!

Gardening project: MoneySupermarket #KidsGrowWild challenge

This post is an entry for BritMums’ #KidsGrowWild Challenge

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