Project 365 – Days 160 to 166

It's been a pretty uneventful week to be honest. Hubby has been working extra long hours so I have been in a foul mood and Bee caught a cold at the start of the week. But here's some pics.

Project 365 - Days 160 to 166

Day 160 – Doing a spot of gardening and taking pictures of the flowers.
Day 161 – I think the baby snug from mamas and papas will soon be going into storage. She manages to climb out of it and likes to sit in it in awkward positions!
Day 162 – Bee woke up with a runny nose so was a quiet day. But had to take a shot of the balloon which freaked me out while cooking. The helium is running out so it was floating mid air and turned up in the kitchen behind me!!
Day 163 – Even though she is not well she decided she wanted to get the clothes out of the washing machine. So she whined, got upset but didn't stop till all the clothes were all the floor!

Project 365 - Days 160 to 166

Day 164 – The balloon came low enough and near her for her to grab it!
Day 165 – The cold taking it out of her bless her. So she cuddled up to one of the teddies we won on the Matilda Mae auction.
Day 166 – Popped to the pet shop and saw this lizard. Was tempted to bring him home. He was having a good look at us.

Project 365 - Days 160 to 166

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