Review: Weetabix On The Go

Review: Weetabix On The Go

I always try to make the effort to have breakfast. I do believe it is the most important meal of the day and therefore try to make sure it is never skipped.And I make sure that Munchkin realises the importance. Now that I am currently a stay at home mum it is alot easier to make sure I don't miss it. However when I was working it was sometimes easier to skip breakfast, especially when we were running late.

Weetabix have come up with Weetabix on the go! Each box has 5 servings and each serving has four biscuits which provide the fibre, vitamins and minerals of two Weetabix.

Weetabix On The Go comes in 3 flavours:

  • Milk and Cereal
  • Apple with a hint of cinnamon
  • Fruit and Fibre

We were sent Milk and Cereal and Fruit and Fibre to review.

Review: Weetabix On The Go

We tried Milk and Cereal first.

I must admit I do have a bit of a sweet tooth and end up putting a lot of sugar on my cereal in the morning (not particularly healthy I know), so I was initially unsure of the biscuits first. I do prefer biscuits to be sweet.

They definitely have the texture of Weetabix and noticed that they do break easily, not that that is an issue.

Munchkin is very fussy when it comes to food but I made her try some too. She reluctantly tried the biscuits and actually liked them!! It is so difficult to get her to try and like something so you can imagine my surprise. She even asked for more and asked if they could be put in her lunchbox! Result!

The packets are an ideal size to put in her lunchbox although 4 biscuits are a bit much more her so she asked for just 2.

The Fruit and Fibre flavour are pretty similar to the Milk and Cereal but with added fruit. I must admit I am not keen on added fruit pieces to biscuits so after trying a couple I gave them to my dad who loved it.

If you have a particularly strong sweet tooth like me then you may find the biscuits a little plain. However, they are a good alternative to breakfast if you are in a rush, and ideal for lunchboxes too! If I hadn't been made redundant from work I would have kept a box of these in the house for the days I end up missing breakfast.

Disclaimer: I was sent two boxes of Weetabix On the Go for the purposes of review. However all thoughts and opinions are my own and honest.

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