Project 365 – Days 230 to 236

Project 365 - Days 230 to 236

Day 230 – We all had a lazy day, including the cat.

Day 231 – Lots of crisps arrived to review!! Put off the diet again šŸ˜‰

Project 365 - Days 230 to 236

Day 232 – Nothing beats playing in a box. When Bee wasn't playing with it the cat was. Not sure why I bother with toys!

Project 365 - Days 230 to 236

Day 233 – Took the girls for a day out to Wicksteed Park.

Day 234 – Bee's first visit to a soft play centre. She wasn't scared at all and quite happily tried to climb everything.

Day 235 – I decided I just could not put off tidying Munchkin's room any longer. Looks like a bomb has gone off here!

Day 236 – Busy with guests today so didn't get a chance to take pictures, but I did take a pic of the cats paw as I find them so cute!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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