Project 365 – Days 237 243

Project 365 - Days 237 243

Day 237 – While waiting for some guests, Grandad 'drove' Bee around in her megablocks carrier thing…..I'm pretty certain that's not what its for.

Day 238 – Today was the start of a few horrible days as Bee started teething. She was burning up here and was having cuddles. She literally felt like a hot water bottle. But at the end of it we finally had a tooth!

Day 239 – Rosie really does get in some awkward places….here she is in one of my pot planters.

Day 240 – Bee's tooth had finally cut through so she was feeling abit better but off her food. But that didn't stop her trying to wreck Munchkin's flower patch!

Project 365 - Days 237 243

Day 241 – I put Bee's inflatable bath out in the corridor while I cleaned the bathroom…Rosie decided to sleep under it. It now has a puncture and I don't know where I put the repair kit.

Day 242 – We went to a local Maize Maze and had lots of fun! (Blog post up soon!) Bee has decided the pushchair is more a climbing frame rather than something to sit on.

Day 243 – Relaxing at home and in the garden. If you can call roller skating relaxing (she fell over).

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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