Review: Walkers Mighty Lights

I love crisps.

Now I know they may not be the most healthiest things to eat, but I just can't resist!

So obviously I was happy when I got the chance to review some!

And the bonus is they seem to be healthier than some others.

Review: Walkers Mighty Lights

Mighty Lights come in 3 flavours; roast chicken, cheese and onion and lightly salted and they are available in shops nationwide. What appeals to me is that they have 30% less fat than standard crisps. The state that they are perfect for kids lunchboxes, but from September Munchkin is not allowed crisps or chocolate in her lunchbox!

Mighty Lights are also made from real potatoes with no artifical colours or preservatives and state they are a source of fibre, so to me it makes me happier to give to the kids as a snack now then then.

I must admit, I have never tried roast chicken flavour crisps. However all 3 of Mighty Lights flavours are suitable for vegetarians. So I decided to try the chicken flavour. And I must admit I was pleasantly surprised! The flavour was light and not overpowering and I enjoyed them. In all honesty all 3 flavours are light and not overpowering. Sometimes with the cheese and onion flavours I find I am left with an aftertaste which I don't like but I didn't find that with the Mighty Lights.

It would be great if Mighty Lights could come in more flavours. Furthermore my pet hate is when a packet of crisps looks huge but is half (or even less) full, I just feel that's a waste of packaging but I've found most crisp packets are like that.

Munchkin loved both then cheese and onion flavour and the lightly salted packet. However she refused to try the chicken flavour for some reason. Even Bee tried some even though she still has no teeth, but she cried when I wouldn't give her any so I gave in.

You often find that with the lower fat crisps, the taste is compromised but I didn't find that with the Mighty Lights; I would definitely buy these again. I love crisps with ridges as it just gives them some texture, and Mighty Lights are slightly thicker than the normal variety which to me makes them even more tastier.

Review: Walkers Mighty Lights

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