Project 365 – Days 265 to 271

Project 365 - Days 265 to 271

Day 265 – We did go to a local park, but for once I didn't take any pictures as Munchkin was the one taking here is a pic of Rosie that I did take in the morning. With hubby away she tends to sneak on to the bed as she knows I am a softie and won't always push her off.

Project 365 - Days 265 to 271

Day 266 – Again forgot to take a pic (don't know what's wrong with me) but here is one I took for a review project where I got sent loads of Lenor through SuperSavvy to review! It actually smells lovely.

Day 267 – Went to a local baby group and Bee had a fab time exploring sand.

Day 268 – Went to Tumbletots and Bee got her walking award. I was going to leave it for next week but she took about 10 steps in front of them so we decided to give it to her. (Can't believe she is already walking!!)

Day 269 – Rosie wanting a bit of attention and climbing onto the laptop!

Day 270 – Off to babygroup again and here is Bee pretending to be Bob the builder!

Project 365 - Days 265 to 271

Day 271 – Well what can I say? Except *sigh*. Her toys are her chairs and climbing frames lol

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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