Project 365 2014 – WEEK 1

Well I had decided I was just going to do a photo a week in 2014, as I was beginning to lose the will to live by the end of 2013. But then I realised it’s not all about having fabulous, interesting photos but more a record of what we are up to….so I’ve decided to go ahead and try 365 again. And it may prompt me to use my DSLR more – I just find it easy to whip out the iPhone as it is always near me!!

Hope you all follow me through 2014 and thanks to all those who commented in 2013!

Good luck to all taking part this year!!


Project 365 - Days 1 to 4


Day 1 – I have been meaning to take the girls to the circus at our local garden centre. I checked last night and found out that today was their last day, so off we went. The girls were engrossed although Bee did get a bit fidgety when the clown and ringmaster were talking. I ended up getting squirted with a water gun by the clown. Here is Bee clapping along with everyone else. She loves clapping.

Day 2 – Been promising Munchkin will take her to a local soft play centre for a while and off we went today and met up with some friends. Bee was in her element climbing everywhere. Got a bit of a workout chasing after her and making sure she didn’t fall off anything!

Day 3 – I think Rosie’s look says it all; ‘Is this what 2014 has in store for me?’ Poor thing was wrapped up like a present by Bee with my scarfs the other day and today Muchkin was balancing bottle tops on her head.

Day 4 – Bee is slowly getting interested in the TV.  Although her interest generally doesn’t last longer than 10 mins. Here she is watching Mr. Tumble. (Why do kids insist on standing right next to the TV?)



TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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  • Blooming Mr Tumble. N’s never really watched much tv until recently when he’s also got more interested. It’s definitely the colourful characters with the silly voices he’s attracted to. He always finds the Mr Tumble annuals or books in shops too – telling everyone around that’s who it is.

    This is my first time of 365 so hoping to keep up myself too.

    Happy new year

  • Fabulous photo of your cat! Know what you mean about Mr Tumble, I try to avoid him wherever possible! I’m new to 365 so aiming to get in the swing of taking a photo a day 🙂

  • mine do that with the tv too! I decided to start with just 1 photo per week for the 52 rather than 365 project, although looking at everyones im now thinking maybe I should have just done every day! but next year i will – ill get through the 52 first and see!!

  • most of my photos are taken wiht my iPhone its just so handy but i am also goiugn to try and take some on the proper camera too!
    soft play is a great way to let the kids burn off some energy arent they we go once a week. Lucky that your beautiful cat is so patient! x

  • why is it cats take all sorts of abuse from children? Love the bottle top on the head. Ours use to get dressed in dolls clothes and get pushed around in the pram and never complained once.
    Glad you are doing another year, I love the antics of your Bee. You are right its about the memories not the quality (though some people manage both)

  • Me tumble! Bubs loves him, she stands close to the tv too. She mainly tries to ‘grab’ what’s on the screen! Soft play is somewhere I need to take Bubs a bit ore too. A great start to the year! X