Project 365 – Week 4

Week 4




Day 19 – A quiet Sunday. Bee loves this light thingy we got from the circus and it keeps her quiet for abit while I help her sister in the bath.

Day 20 – I let Bee walk from the car to her sister’s school rather than put her in the pushchair… took us almost triple the time to get there. She just kept stopping and looking at everything. We also had a man walk past with his dog…..she started shouting ‘CAT’. Ooops.

Day 21 – Had arranged to meet some friends at our local Kiddicare. Unfortunately 2 had to cancel so was just myself and another friend. However, the kids had fun in the play area.

Day 22 – Was myself and Munchkin’s 6 month check up at the dentist so took Bee along to get her used to it.

Day 23 – One of Rosie today, wanting her belly ticked.

Day 24 – Toddler group today…she ended up covered in flour.

Dry messy play

Day 25 – Really wanted to tidy the house today but obviously Bee wasn’t going to let me….so got her busy with some messy play again.



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