Project 365 – Week 30

First week of the summer holidays and the final week of Ramadan! Apologies if I have been a bit slack on commenting on other blogs….I should get back into it next week!

Week 30Day 201 – Rosie the cat spent most of the day sitting under the buddlei bush, attempting to capture the butterflies settling on it. Thankfully she didn’t catch any. I am actually getting tempted to pull it out as they do attract butterflies and I don’t want her killing them!

Day 202 – As Eid is next week we are slowly getting prepared. Ordered some sweeties which arrived today. Was a bit disappointed to see that one of the cones had split open but as it was slight I just sellotaped it.

Day 203 – My keyring and bracelet in support of Palestine arrived. Money was donated to charities currently helping in Palestine.

Day 204 – Well…..what can I say? Bee up to mischief as usual.

Day 205 – Went to Bee’s toddler group which Munchkin loves going to aswell when it is the holidays. Here she is making clay shapes.

Day 206 – Titan the robot was at our local shopping centre. Took a short video, if interested it is on YouTube.

Day 207 – Took Munchkin to get a hair cut…it was half way down her back…it is now up to her shoulders!
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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