Review: Maizy Cat Litter from Pets Corner

Rosie has been with us over a year now.


Can’t quite believe it has just been a year….it feels as if she has been with us forever. She has fitted right into the family. I can’t lie and say hubby loves her;  he simply tolerates her. But the girls love her to bits, although Bee just tries to squash Rosie if she happens to spot her lying comfortably.(I do actually feel sorry for her at times!)

One of the things I have spent a lot of time on researching is cat litter.

I have tried quite a few varieties. Some more successfully then others. And I was happy to try out a new cat litter from Pets Corner:

Introducing Maizy, a brand new cat litter made from the humble puffed corn kernel. This fabulous product is 100% natural, 100% biodegradable and flushable, 100% free from additives or perfumes, exceptionally absorbent, clumps nicely, is lightweight and is easy to carry.

Maizy Cat Litter

I had not come across cat litter that was made from puffed corn kernals and I was slightly concerned that Rosie would not take to it. The litter feels light and I love the fact that it is 100% natural. The plus side is that you can also compost it. So is environmentally friendly. (Not that I have a compost bin yet!)


So what did Rosie think?

Well she used it almost immediately, so obviously didn’t have any issues with using a litter that was totally different to what she was used to.

The litter also clumps quite well and the soiled litter is easily removed so that the rest of the litter doesn’t end up too soiled. One other aspect of the litter that appealed to me was that it does not track. Rosie’s litter tray is outside by the catflap, and with previous litter she has managed to bring in litter on her paws through the cat flap and into the kitchen. This as not happened so far and has made no mess on the decking outside.

I cannot comment on whether the litter holds smell well due to the fact that the litter tray is kept outside but it doesn’t seem to smell much when we pass it once it has been used.

The big bag of litter also lasts quite a while…2 weeks on and we still have some left in the bag. However, bear in mind that Rosie also does a lot of her business outside and only seems to use the litter tray at night.

Although we are currently happy with the litter we have been using, this is one we would consider purchasing in the future.

A bag of 12 litres of Maizy Cat Litter costs £9.99  and a bag of 24 litres costs £17.99 online. In store prices are slightly higher.

Disclaimer: We were sent a bag of Maizy Cat Litter, for free,  to test out. However all thoughts and opinons are my own and Rosie’s.


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