Project 365 – Final days!

Wooo can’t believe I’ve managed to complete another year of photos! Well done to everyone who has!

I haven’t decided yet if next year will do a Project 52 instead…..Week 52


Day 355 – Still feeling really rough but luckily the hubby was home so he did some cooking and made these kebabs. They actually tasted really nice.

Day 356 – Off to the docs this morning has had this cold for a while and got some antibiotics as I keep getting a fever too. The builder returned today to start tiling the conservatory floor and of course Bee had to help.

Day 357 – Went shopping at 7pm hoping it would be slightly quieter but it was still manic! Bee loved the Christmas decorations and promptly tried to grab the polar bear.

Day 358 – Munchkin had wanted to adopt a penguin and join the WWF club. Her package arrived today.

Day 359 – Christmas Day. We don’t usually do anything special….hubby went out and got these sweets.

Day 360 – Rosie has taken to shoving the blinds of the conservatory to one side and looking out the window!

Day 361 – Munchkin’s riding lesson today. We missed it last week as I had no energy to go out in the cold. This horse is such a greedy thing..shoved me with his nose to try to get my hot chocolate!

Day 362 – I didn’t go to the sales but did online shopping. My toaster arrived – yes I got excited at a toaster!

Day 363 – Went to Birmingham today to to the Pakistan embassy – saw loads of these wind turbines on the way.

Day 364 – Lots of ice this morning…. so stayed at home as although Bee and myself are feeling better our coughs haven’t gone…..and I started painting the conservatory.

Day 365 – Bee… the kitchen…with the dishes….need I say more!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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