Project 365 – Days 256 to 262

Days 256 to 262


Day 256 – Sunday 13th September

Was hoping to have a quiet day at home but hubby and the parents wanted to go to Leicester to do some shopping…so off we went. Got to see my nephew who we haven’t seen for a number of years due to family conflict, so was pleased that I went.

Day 257 – Monday 14th September

Trip to the dentist today. So pleased that Bee isn’t scared and happily shows her teeth to the dentist.

Day 258 – Tuesday 15th September

Bee turned 3 today. We don’t have big parties but went out for a meal in the evening.

Day 259 – Wednesday 16th September

Quiet day today…..finished off yesterday’s cake.

Day 260 – Thursday 17th September

Popped to the local ladies only gym and signed up! First session on Saturday. Went shopping afterwards and got myself some flowers on the way home before collecting Bee from the nursery.

Day 261 – Friday 18th September

Think nursery is tiring! Bee came home and then chilled on the teddies.

Day 262 – Saturday 19th September

Bee has a list from nursery to collect some Autumn things such as leaves, conkers and acorns. Went to the local park with friends and managed to collect everything except acorns.








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