Project 365 – Days 270 to 276

Days 270 - 276


Day 270 – Sunday 27th September

Went to the farm again to do a spot of plum picking as dad wanted some! This time the Birds of Prey man was there and Munchkin got to hold one.

Day 271 – Monday 28th September

Threw a little tantrum and cut off the top of my honeysuckle bush. It kept toppling over and had asked hubby to sort it out. His version of sorting it out was tucking it behind the rose the rose bush would have been smothered…so I saw red! Ooops.

Day 272 – Tuesday 29th September

Those that know me, will know that poor Rosie is on a diet. She had her monthly weigh in and has lost 150grams. Next weigh in will be after our holidays and after she has been in the cattery for a week…so will see what happens.

Day 273 – Wednesday 30th September

Dessert! Crepe covered in chocolate and topped with almonds, ferrero rocher and oreo biscuits….with chocolate ice cream and cream.

Day 274 – Thursday 1st October

Wandering round the garden and surprised to see how well all the flowers are doing considering it is  October.

Day 275 – Friday 2nd October

Bee has brought home a teddy from nursery. He gets to spend the weekend with us and we have to document all his adventures!

Day 276 – Saturday 3rd October

Had a couple of friends pop round with their children. Ordered some pizza and then popped out to an open day to a local nursery which has a small farm attached. Bee was pleased to be able to hold a rabbit. All the kids were tired by the end of the day!

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