Project 365 – Days 277 to 283

Pretty uneventful week this week for Project 365 to be honest, except for Sunday!

days 277 to 283


Day 277 – Sunday 4th October 

The only interesting day this week to be honest! Had been sent tickets for the local steam train during the summer holidays but didn’t get a chance to go. As they were expiring at the end of the month we thought we better use them. Bee was initially scared of the train but by the end of the trip was happier and then didn’t want to get off. in the afternoon we popped to the fair. Bee is scared of most rides though!

Day 278 – Monday 5th October

Did nothing today except cook and relax.

Day 279 – Tuesday 6th October

Bee brought home some pictures she made from nursery which she was very pleased with!

Day 280 – Wednesday 7th October

Popped to the gym in the morning and then another quiet day. Hubby got me a huge bar of chocolate (which kind of cancels out the gym really), and I settled down with it in the evening to watch the Great British Bake Off final. First year I have watched it to be honest!

Day 281 – Thursday 8th October

Now that is is getting colder the conservatory is getting cooler too…so Rosie has started spending more time in the main parts of the house. Here she is sitting on my purse and not moving when I tried to get some money out.

Day 282 – Friday 9th October

Gym in the morning and then just usual cooking and cleaning. Picture of Bee on the school run, interested in a shark drawn on the group. Munchkin got another certificate today…usually the school let you know so you can get to the assembly but they didn’t this time so missed the presentation.

Day 283 – Saturday 10th October

Hubby seems to be buying lots of sweet stuff for me…he passed by a bakery, stopped and purchased cakes, biscuits and shortbread! Think I am going to have to work extra hard at the gym for it to have any effect! A nice chilled out day though….a friend popped round in the morning with her little boy and then had to show my face at my mums in the afternoon as a relative was coming from Birmingham for a visit.

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