Project 365 – Days 305 to 311

A quiet Project 365 week, recovering from our holiday to Dubai!Days 305 to 311

Day 305 – Sunday 1st November

Rosie is pleased we are back. She is back to stalking me even to the bathroom!

Day 306 – Monday 2nd November

Back to school and nursery routine. Before going on half term and holiday I had applied to be a parent governor at Munchkin’s school. Got a phone call from the headteacher today, went in for a meeting and a tour of the school and was accepted for the position.

Day 307 – Tuesday 3rd November

Captured this very rare quiet moment in the house! Bee and the cat sitting close together.

Day 308 – Wednesday 4th November

Rosie is back to sitting with me on the sofa in the evenings. Although don’t think she appreciated the light still being on.

Day 309 – Thursday 5th November

Rosie’s appointment to the vets for her monthly health check. Although she spent a week at the cattery she still managed to lose some weight.

Day 310 – Friday 6th November

My nephew came down to see us. Due to marriage break down and kids being taken away by their mother he hadn’t been back to see us in years…I think 6 years. He recently got a motorbike and decided to drive down. Although we were nervous about it as it is an hour journey and the road isn’t particularly safe. He stayed the weekend which was nice for his grandparents who had been missing him a lot.

In other news my fridge freezer died and a whole lot of frozen food got wasted!

Day 311 – Saturday 7th November

Went fridge shopping first thing, and got next day delivery arranged. The popped to the shops to get Bee some winter boots and see the Christmas decorations.


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