Project 365 – Days 319 to 332

Two weeks worth of Project 365!
Days 319 - 325

Day 319 – Sunday 15th November

Popped to Leicester. I wasn’t in the mood, (I’m turning into a right hermit this winter), but the hubby made me go. Met up with one of my nieces. Stopped for some dessert, although it looks lovely it wasn’t anything special. Had better desserts.

Day 320 – Monday 15th November

Quiet day. Rosie jumped up onto the sofa and was watching Bee eat again..hoping that she would drop something for her.

Day 321 – Tuesday 16th November

Ordered a waffle maker off Groupon and it arrived today! Also popped round to a friends house who I haven’t seen for a while. Was a lovely catch up and hadn’t laughed like that in ages!

Day 322 – Wednesday 17th November

Tried out the waffle maker! Need some more practice I think!

Day 323 – Thursday 18th November

Hubby brought home some dessert. I had been good all day aswell and had even refused cake at a friends house!

Day 324 – Friday 19th November

One of Rosie today chilling!

Day 325 – Saturday 20th November

Quiet day at home today. Munchkin got on with homework while myself and Bee did a spot of colouring.


days 326 to 333

Day 326 – Sunday 21st November

Went to a garden centre today as they had some reindeer and the girls wanted to see them. They had a family of llama’s aswell and a baby camel. Girls loved giving them some carrots. The trip was ruined slightly by someone who clearly didn’t like us. I could actually feel the hate coming from him. Bee was getting excited at seeing some of the animals and he was muttering under his breath and also swore. My initial thought was to give him a mouthful but as I had the girls with me I did not want it to turn nasty; the hubby was a distance away too. So although I didn’t want to I simply walked away. It did upset me and since then I am wary of going out alone after hearing about other hate attacks on Muslim women happening throughout the UK. It is the first time ever in my life I have started feeling unsafe.

Day 327 – Monday 22nd November

Since returning from Dubai I haven’t been back to the gym. Finally gave myself a kick and went.

Day 328 – Tuesday 23rd November

A quiet day. Was meant to meet some friends at soft play but it got cancelled. So here’s a picture of Rosie!

Day 329 – Wednesday 24th November

Another day stuck at home as had some builders coming to sort out the bath which needed resetting and resealing.

Day 330 – Thursday 25th November

Popped to a friends house. Bee blinged up her arm with bracelets.

Day 331 – Friday 26th November

Kept Bee away from nursery as she had a high temp during the night and was coughing. Poor Rosie wasn’t best pleased that Bee was at home.

Day 332- Saturday 27th November

Was meant to take Munchkin to try out Tae Kwondo today but Bee was worse so we were stuck at home. Quiet day as no fighting!


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