Friday Wisdom 29/1/16 – Women

Women quotes Islam

I don’t think many people realise the status of Muslim women in Islam. They see us wearing hijab and think we are oppressed.

But to be blunt, some Muslim men also need to realise this and treat women correctly. When culture starts having too much of an influence then that’s when things can go wrong.


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  • I remember sitting at a conference for Muslim Women and the speaker stated that the biggest threat to the status of women in Islam is women. At first I was taken aback by the comment. But the speaker clarified that she was saying that it is the women who teach their sons how to treat women. This can be subtly by the way she allows her husband to treat her or in how she treats her son in comparassion to her daughters. Your post reminded me of that lecture.

  • Muslim women shouldn’t settle for anything less as Islam empowers them with honor and dignity. Men are certainly the rejectors of Sunnah if they dont treat their women right. Indeed Allah s.w.t asks men to be the protectors n maintainers of their women in this world.

  • Alhamdhulillah! I am blessed to be a women.
    Honestly, I think we care to much about what others think. We should stop proclaiming, “we are not oppressed”. I just don’t care. Our actions speak louder than our words and our clothes.

    For an adament, prejudiced, racist person no explanation can show the truth. Sometimes questioning works better than reasoning. And for few others nothing simulate their senses.
    Haya recently posted…Balloons!My Profile

  • This reminded me of what I just read – it was a post by Sheikh Suhaib Webb in which he stated something like, If you want your wife to be like Khadija, then be her Muhammad (s.a.w), and vice versa :-).

  • JazakAllah Fozia for sharing the great words of the Sheikh,
    Women now are getting very much aware of their worth, but still a lot has to be done about it.

  • WORD! I love concise blog posts! People bring their cultural baggage in Islam and call it Islam. Oh no, you ink in there lol! And oh, I need to remember to add the badge insha’Allah :).

  • A lot of muslim women don’t mind being rejected by society, but when your own community and our own man don’t know our value, our importance it’s even worst
    May Allah protect us all ! ameen

  • Beautiful quote šŸ™‚ It’s so true – even as individuals and women we don’t appreciate our own worth enough. It’s unfortunate because we live in a society that’s constantly telling women ‘you’re not enough’.

  • Sadly, many men don’t know these thus maltreating or being unjust with women. May Allah bless those men who take good care of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. Those character shows how they fear Allah.