Project 366 – Week 2

Day 10 – Sunday 10th January

Went to London to see an old school friend of hubby’s who he hadn’t seen in ages. I hate going round to peoples homes when I don’t know them but his wife was lovely so it wasn’t too awkward. Stopped off at services and Munchkin managed to get her dad to buy her the Guinness World Records 2016 book.


Day 11 – Monday 11th January

Poor Rosie does get a lot of grief off Bee. She was getting blinged up before Bee left for nursery.

Rosie the cat

Day 12 – Tuesday 12th January

Poor Rosie almost got a lullaby sung to her and then she was forced into listening to a story. Think she had had enough!


Day 13 – Wednesday 13th January

Quiet day at home, cooking and cleaning. Made a chicken curry.

Chicken Curry

Day 14 – Thursday 14th January

Popped to Bee’s nursery. They were having a tea party as it was their 5th birthday. Watched them play games and eat party food.

Been telling hubby that seeing as I can’t eat chocolate much due to the diabetes then he should at least get me some flowers. He finally got the hint.1931352_10156364287355542_8328523212012520962_n

Day 15 – Friday 15th January

Another quiet day at home….feeling cold so hibernating. My new Tivo box from Virgin Media arrived so set that up. Had threatened to leave them as the prices went up, so got a slight discount, new box and increased broadband speed. Price still not as good as if I was a new customer but better than nothing. They really should reward customers properly for staying with them for years.

Virgin Media Tivo

Day 16 – Saturday 16th January

We spent today at home. I had ordered some kinetic sand which arrived today. Girls loved playing with it but have to say it was expensive for the amount you get!

Kinetic sand


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