Project 366 – Week 10

Unfortunately Bee got ill again so another uneventful week and not overly interesting pictures!

Week 10

Day 66 – Sunday 6th March

Popped to Ikea in Nottingham. Last time went to Milton Keynes so decided to check out Nottingham this time as they are roughly the same distance away. Still can’t get over how busy it always is…was a mission finding a parking space. Got a bookcase for the girls books…and think the girls were tired as both sat down on the trolley in the queue! Found a lovely halal restaurant afterwards.

Day 67 – Monday 7th March

We have been sent a water table from Little Tikes to review. Bee was excited as she loves water play and wanted to open it immediately. Slightly cold for water play at the moment! Managed to put together the bookcase we got from Ikea by myself.

Day 68 – Tuesday 8th March

Bee started burning up overnight so she missed nursery and felt sorry for herself all day.

Day 69 – Wednesday 9th March

The plan had been to go shopping this morning but Bee still at home so started sorting out their books. Found some books that I had forgotten that I had purchased.

Day 70 – Thursday 10th March

Bee still not well so missed pilates again. Let the birds out for some exercise while the cat was out and gave them some lettuce as a treat.

Day 71 – Friday 11th March

Decided to take Bee to the doctor as she seems well first thing in the morning but by the evening she is burning up. Thought best get her checked over before the weekend. Just seems to be a nasty virus. While there I checked if my diabetic eye test had been sorted (been meant to have done since December and I have chased it up 3 times). When I threatened to make a formal complaint the stand in doctor immediately did the referral while I was there and they even gave me a blood monitoring machine to pacify me I think. The nurse had said they don’t hand them out while the doctor said that was rubbish. So she got me one and told me to make an appointment with her for my checks which the nurse still hasn’t done. Bit pointless having the machine now really seeing as I have my 3 month blood test next week, after which they will decide if I need meds.

Day 72 – Saturday 12th March

Bee is feeling much better but stayed at home to allow her to rest. Did some crafts about being thankful.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

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