Project 365 – January 29 to February 4

Day 29 – Still full of cold so stayed at home. Rosie kept trying to steal a crisp from me when needed some comfort food!

Day 30 – Still not feeling great but tried to get some blogging stuff done. Didn’t get further than taking a picture and sticking it on Instagram.

Day 31 – Bee and Rosie have a bit of a love hate relationship going on! She often comes and sits by Bee even though Bee can irritate her sometimes!

Day 32 – Still feeling sorry for myself and ordered some ice cream dessert…Rosie of course tried to steal it again.

Day 33 – Bee invites all the neighbourhood cats in. This one decided to listen to her and come in.

Day 34 – Feeling slightly better so decided to pay him a quick visit. Haven’t been round since last week as didn’t want to pass on my cold. He seemed slightly better…the nutrition drinks he has been prescribed are helping give him some energy. In the evening just relaxed with Rosie again…I think the rushing around in the day didn’t help as started to feel rough again.

Day 35 – Clearly my cold hasn’t gone yet as woke up feeling rough again. Hubby’s day off so he decided to cook to let me rest up.

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