Project 365 – May 14 to May 20

Day 134  – Admiral Young Driver Lessons– My eldest got to drive a car with Admiral Young Driver. At only 10 she got her first experience of driving one! You can read about it here and video is up and can be seen – Admiral Young Driver Lessons.

Day 135 – A quiet day. Am slightly addicted to the Sensations Poppadoms.

Day 136 – Took Dad for his blood test in the morning. He has to have some before he sees his consultant so she can she whats happening and if things are going wrong again. Feeling a bit down in general and Rosie kept me company in the evening. She gets as close as she can to me when I am on the sofa. But still not a lap cat.

Day 137 – Non stop rain today. Made us all feel a bit deflated and miserable. Even Bee was a bit quiet!

Day 138 – 9am appointment with Dad’s consultant. She herself arrived at 9am and didn’t get seen until around 9.30. It seems Dad’s condition is stable….well as stable as can be considering his liver isn’t functioning well at all. She said it should  be OK to have the cataracts operation but to try to avoid it for as long as we can…..because we don’t want to risk infections as it is infections that cause Dad’s confusion to come back and he ends up hospitalised as his body can’t fight it. He was also due to have a colonoscopy next week but after checking his results she cancelled it as she didn’t want to put him through it unnecessarily as its pretty invasive. All we can do is keep an eye on him and as soon as any signs of confusion show to get him some antibiotics ASAP and to hospital if it’s bad.

Ramadan arrives next week and I had the ‘brilliant’ idea of making 30 lanterns with card to countdown to Eid. So the evening was spent completing that project.

Day 139 – Finally completed the countdown calendar. Now just have to fill it with sweets and anything else I find when go shopping…ready for them to open each day of Ramadan. Bee insisted on making sure we had enough…even though she can’t actually count to 30 yet!

Day 140 – There was a party at the mosque to welcome Ramadan which starts next Friday or Saturday. Bee loved it! They did some crafts, story telling, pass the parcel and had some food.

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