Project 365 – July 16 to July 22

Day 197 – We had been invited to go see In the Night Garden Live. We had attended last year but decided to go again to see the second show. You can read our review here: In the Night Garden Live in Birmingham. Will probably be the last time we attend as Bee seems to be growing out of the Cbeebies programmes now.

Day 198 – A quiet day while the girls at nursery and school so tried to catch up with some blogging. Reviewed the game Dobble.

Day 199 – An emotional day today. First had my eldest’s leaving assembly at her school before she heads off to secondary school in September….and then in the evening had Bee’s graduation ceremony before she heads off to primary school in September.

Day 200 – I usually don’t go overboard with the teacher gifts but I will miss Bee’s nursery staff…she has been with them for a year and a half – so I got some cupcakes for them all to share out…with an individual gift for her keyworker and flowers for the managers.

Day 201 – The girls last day at nursery and school! Hubby was home too so he treated us to breakfast and then it was emotional saying goodbye to the nursery staff. Eldest wasn’t too fussed at leaving school….no tears!

Day 202 – First day of the holidays and a quiet one spent at home. Received some blogger mail of some books and tea.

Day 203 – Took Bee to her karate and then felt like doing nothing. However there was a free carnival happening and the girls were just going to bicker at home so took them. Glad we went as it ended up fun; met some friends, got free face painting done and Bee got to see Paw Patrol.

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