Project 365 – September 17 to 23

Day 260 – A quiet day at home, with hubby away our Sunday’s are pretty quiet. Was my brothers birthday…he would have been 48 if he was still around.

Day 261 – Girls at school, Bee started her part time morning sessions today and stayed for lunch. She was quite happy and told me what she had to eat when she came home. I have also decided to reclaim my evenings to myself. While hubby has been away I have been spending the evenings reading, watching movies, colouring….and not spending every spare moment I have on my blog or the Muslimah Bloggers community. And it has been good for me… I feel like I am slowly pulling away from the blogging world.

Day 262 – Popped into town today for a spot of shopping after collected Bee. Our local Hotel Chocolat have started selling ice cream and hot chocolate so had to give the hot chocolate a try.

Day 263 – Hubby returned from Pakistan today. I had wanted to go collect him but his flight landed at 3pm and I had to do the school run at 2.45pm so my bro offered to go get him so I wasn’t rushing around and having to drive to London which would take 2 hours. Hubby brought me back a back scratcher! Luckily he got me some clothes too as if he would have just come back with a back scratcher he would have been sleeping on the sofa. Girls of course were spoiled with clothes, sweets and toys.

Day 264 – Dropped the girls to school and then hubby treated me to breakfast from Chaiiwala.

Day 265 – I had come across a new company at The London Halal Food Festival last August called Chocolateeha. Bee had loved their shake so when I heard they had launched some chocolate I just had to try some! They arrived today so gave them all a try. Also Bee’s first full day at school, it went well even though she was a bit under the weather. Eldest was also off school due to a cold.

Day 266 – As both girls recovering from a cold it was a quiet Saturday at home in pyjamas watching movies.

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