Project 365 – November 5 to November 11

Day 309 – Decided to pop to Leicester to eat out and so hubby can say a quick hello to a friend who just recently arrived in Leicester.

Day 310 – Spent today catching up with some blog reviews: Kurio 2.0 and Hey, That’s My Fish game.

Day 311 – Went on a refresher course on how to complete benefits forms for a child. Have applied for a volunteer position to be a Family Support Worker for a charity that helps families with children with needs. Although I don’t have a child with additional needs, I do have benefit experience so they were happy to have me. Just looking forward to starting now. And in the evening Bee went for her first session at Rainbows and loved it so we will be signing up.

Day 312 – Meeting at school with the Head of Governors. I will officially be appointed in December but I have been allocated certain areas to deal with…..Year 2, English as an Additional Language, Community Engagement and Pupil Premium. I have no idea what I am doing yet…so this will be interesting! Then took parents for their annual diabetic review. Because dad is off his diabetic meds due to the liver problems his sugar levels have gone sky high…so he’s been referred to the diabetic team to see if there are any alternative meds. Am slightly annoyed though as surely he should have been referred as soon as he came off the meds.

Day 313 – Breakfast with a friend in the morning and then general blog work and chilling. Karate in the evening for Bee.

Day 314 – Took Dad for another appointment to see the Doc. Some of his bloodwork came back with warning and the doctor took some more blood and prescribed him some vitamins too as he is getting weakness in his hands.

Day 315 – A quiet one. Bee at mosque in the morning and got the eldest to sort out her clothes and bedroom. Then popped over to the parents in the afternoon. Nothing interesting to take a picture of so you got one of Rosie chilling with us.

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