Railworld Peterborough – A Hidden Gem

Last summer I took the girls to visit Railworld. I had heard about it from a few friends but hadn’t got round to visiting. Plus I wasn’t sure if it would interest the girls as they don’t have a keen interest in trains.

Railworld Wildlife Haven is a charity run place looked after by volunteers for all to enjoy in Peterborough. 

In the heart of Peterborough City Centre it is easily accessible with its own parking. And I had nothing to worry about as to whether the girls would enjoy it as they clearly had lots of fun. Not just huge locomotives on display, they also have a garden model railway and a beautiful wildlife haven. Who would have thought there would be such a calm nature area in the centre of Peterborough.

The train enthusiasts will love the historical aspect of Railworld. With real trains on display to historical artifacts on display.

And it is made fun and interactive for the children with questions being asked which they need to think about and answer.

Younger children will be enthralled by the outdoor railway but will also love the indoor railway which can be accessed over the bridge and through the wildlife haven. Especially since they have a Thomas the Tank engine railway where the children can control the trains.

Outdoor model railway at Railworld

My personal favourite was the Wildlife Haven. I could have spent the whole day there just simply sitting quietly, lost amongst my thoughts. The volunteers have done an amazing job with the haven and it is the perfect place for a picnic. Ideal to just sit a while and enjoy nature as they even have some bee hives.

Railword Bee hives

In addition to all this there is also a Globe Hall (but unfortunately my phone was temperamental that day and I didn’t get any photos). There is a colouring area, a huge globe and a video playing about trains. Well worth taking a look as there were more items of interest on display there too.

Brian Pearce, Trustee and Volunteer, says that:

Our Wildlife/Nature Haven is primarily a habitat creation programme. However, its deeper purpose is to emphasise the important links between ‘Our Man-Made World’ and ‘Our Natural World’. We cannot flourish without the benefits of a healthy, properly functioning natural environment; it is the foundation for our very own well-being and a key resource for economic growth and prosperity! Alongside the haven is our Environmental Education Centre, used to ‘Entertain and Educate’ with hands-on activities in all environmental subjects, from C02 emissions to a future low carbon economy.


For more information, opening times and prices take a look at their website: Railworld Wildlife Haven

Here is a short video about our visit to Railworld.

Why not pay it a visit if you aren’t too far away? A lovely place to spend a few hours, or even a day if you take a picnic. There is a snack bar selling ice creams and basics such as coffee, tea, crisps and biscuits if you fancy a treat.

You can also make a day of it but having a ride on a train at the Nene Valley Railway. You can see my post about our trip on the train in my post about Nene Valley Railway.


Railworld and Wildlife Haven



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