Celebrating Puberty and Periods with your Daughter

Growing up periods were seen as a shameful thing and they weren’t talked about. My mum never spoke to me about it. What I learnt was via friends at school when they talked about it when they started. I was a pretty late bloomer so I knew what to expect as most of my friends had started before me.

However when you do hit puberty and they start then it can still be a bit of a shock. Back then (90’s) I didn’t have access to the internet to find out how to deal with it all…and I couldn’t face speaking to my mum about it; as a result it was a bit of a lonely time. If it wasn’t for my friends I would have been lost. When I told my mum one morning I had started I was just given some chunky sanitary pads with a frown…and then when I had a bath after told how to cleanse myself. That was the input I had.

Periods are not shameful

As I result I was determined that I wouldn’t put my daughter through that. That she would be able to talk to me freely when the time came…to be able to ask questions, to be able to discuss any problems with me and know what to do without having to talk to her friends all the time.

Periods in our community can be seen as a shameful thing…sadly even in this day and age they can still be seen to be shameful…which was proved by a comment left on my facebook page talking about this issue. As a result I decided to write this blog post. As a society we need to talk about these things…it is a natural process and not disgusting or shameful.

How to Help your Daughter

One of the first things is to ensure you have talked about it. As soon as you see signs of puberty then let her know about the changes that will be happening to her at some point. Girls are starting their periods at a younger age so it is best to do it sooner rather than later. Schools are also discussing these things earlier; wouldn’t you prefer if it was you she learnt off?

If you do find it difficult to talk about these things then there are books to help you such as: A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes. You can read my review of the book here: Review of Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes.

Puberty Basket

Another thing you can do is make a ‘Puberty Basket’ ready to give to your daughter when she starts.

Puberty Basket

There are a number of things you can put in the basket based on what you as a mother may feel is necessary.

My initial thoughts were:

  • Deodorant
  • Sanitary pads
  • Hair removal method
  • Candles to help relax
  • Islamic Books

After doing a post on social media the suggestions of what else to add came pouring in so I thought I would add a list:

  • Chocolates
  • Hot water bottle to help with cramps (magnesium oil can also help with this)
  • Pain relief for cramps such as paracetemol
  • Face masks/Pamper treats
  • Multi Vitamins/Book on good diet
  • A card – to let her know she can come to you if she needs to talk

For a lot more suggestions you can take a look at my instagram post where other mothers and bloggers also shared their thoughts:



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Period Party

One suggestion sent to me via a private message was a party to celebrate entering womanhood. The party was done with the girls and mums and aunts. They baked together, cakes and biscuits, and decorated in red. I must admit it was not something I had heard of before but it does seem like a nice idea to help bond more with your daughter also.




I do feel like we are moving forwards from the days where girls were forced to pretend they were fasting/praying while on their periods so the men in the house didn’t know they were on their periods but there are still instances where people think these things do not need to be talked about. That they should be discussed behind closed doors and hidden from the men.

Periods are nothing to be ashamed of..and we shouldn’t make our daughters feel like they have to be ashamed or hide it…or worse still feel dirty.

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