Project 365 – Week 47 of 2018

Sunday 18th November

Hubby wanted to check out a restaurant a friend had recommended in London but it didn’t open until 5pm and we didn’t want to be in London so late…after initially saying we will just stay at home we ended up going to Leicester to eat.



Monday 19th November

A quiet day. Went for my electrolysis appointment in the morning…came home and cooked…picked up Bee…dropped her off to Quran class after a snack…..went to get eldest from a hockey match and then went to collect Bee. Rosie kept me company in the evening by snuggling up to my leg.



Tuesday 20th November

A chilled out morning and then went to read with the kids at school. Had ordered some star stickers which arrived in the morning and took them to put in their reading records after I heard them read.



Wednesday 21st November

A busy day today. Had my Quran class in the morning. Popped home for lunch….then went to the school for a governor meeting. Picked up the youngest…gave her a snack and got her ready for her Quran class. However there had been an accident on the way there and we got stuck in traffic. Called my nephew to pick up the eldest from her hockey match as there was no way I was going to be able to collect her. Over an hour later I managed to get to mums to pick up the eldest and then rushed Bee to a Rainbows session at activity world….was glad when we were all finally home at 8pm and chilling.



Thursday 22nd November

Took Rosie to the vet today. Had spotted a patch of black flaky bits under her chin. People in a cat group on FB all believed it to be acne but took her in to the vet to be safe. The vet wasn’t sure what it was…..thought it might be an allergy and didn’t think it was bacterial. So she gave Rosie a steriod injection and said to keep an eye on it and if it doesn’t clear up they will send off a sample for analysis. While giving her a check up she noticed that Rosie also has some tartar and has brushing her teeth isn’t really an option she suggested some meds to put in her food. Came away from the vets £50 poorer.



Friday 23rd November

Went to Bee’s school as a school governor as it was the official opening of their Learning Bus. Its a bus of virtual reality including a T-shirt that when the kids put on and a tablet is pointed to it you can see all the organs. Was such a fun morning…with Santa making an appearance with his reindeer.



Saturday 24th November

Botley the Coding Robot ideal for the little ones

After the girls classes in the morning we watched a film in the afternoon… and then I completed a review on Botley the Coding Robot.


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