Project 365 for 2019 – Week 11

Day 69 – Sunday  10th March

A quiet day at home. I spent most of the day removing wallpaper from one of the walls in our bedroom in preparation of putting up new wallpaper, while hubby cooked. Had a bit of a break by taking the girls to a local women’s ‘festival’. It was mainly stalls with people selling stuff with some workshops going on. We just brought some cake and food…and I treated myself to some essential oils…before we headed home. Hubby then helped me with the rest of the wall.


Day 70 – Monday 11th March

Spent most of the morning going round shops trying to find wallpaper I liked. Didn’t like anything and came home with this instead.


Day 71 – Tuesday 12th March

Bee has been complaining of a sore throat for a few days but not enough for me to keep her off school. She didn’t look too happy today but sent her to sent and asked them to call me if she wasn’t well during the day. Didn’t really take any pictures except of Rosie. I ended up ordering wallpaper from Amazon.


Day 72 – Wednesday 13th March

Bee woke up crying that her throat was really bad and because she had a chesty cough and a slight temperature I kept her off school. Which mean I missed my Quran class. Tried to catch up with some blog work and ended up writing a post about Ramadan traditions with your children. And took some photos of some Black Seed products I have been sent to review. The wallpaper I had ordered, along with a brush and paste arrived today so can get on with the wallpapering soon.


Day 73 – Thursday 14th March

Bee had a rough night and kept her off school again. I was meant to be at school all day for a meeting about the Ofsted changes and to learn about them as parent governor but couldn’t go because of Bee. So instead decided to do the wallpapering. Hubby stayed home for a few hours to help me but he is not good at DIY so basically just got him pasting the walls for me while I did pretty much everything else.


Day 74 – Friday 15th March

Woke up to the devastating news of what had happened in New Zealand. Was numb with shock at hearing that a gunman went into mosques and just started shooting….I just couldn’t focus on anything but had to take the eldest for her appointment to get her removable braces fitted. Her braces journey has officially begun!


Day 75 – Saturday 16th March

Bee at karate in the morning and learnt that they have Fight Club an hour after her lesson….and its free as she already goes twice a week. She said she wants to go so from next week she will join in and see how it goes. In the afternoon popped to the shops and treated ourselves to some chocolate.

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