Project 365 for 2019 – Week 14

It’s been a quiet week but also a sad week with the death of another relative. It feels like the older generation are all slowly leaving us. I know that that is life….but it doesn’t make it easier. My favourite picture of the week has to be of Rosie and Bee

Day 90 – Sunday 31st March

Mothers day but don’t really celebrate it. So pretty much a normal day. Eldest went horse riding…gave the horses their polos and met a few new arrivals. Then had a play with the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles the girls had received to review.


Day 91 – Monday 1st April

A quiet day. Bee tried to get the cat to play with her after school but wasn’t very successful. We then received the sad news another relative had passed away and we now needed to go to Birmingham for a funeral. However this one wasn’t going to be within 24 hours as the hospital needed to do a post mortem. Although he was in hospital, they had been preparing to send him home. His son after visiting him and leaving him, came home to receive a call urgently telling them to get back to the hospital.


Day 92 – Tuesday 2nd April

Nothing of interest to share today really. Had my kickboxing class in the morning and then went to the school to read with the kids. Just took a picture of the sky when went to collect Bee from Rainbows. The weather was a bit temperamental today……showers, sun, heavy rain, sun and then rain again.


Day 93 – Wednesday 3rd April

The eldest’s new bed was being delivered today so stayed at home..when it arrived had to put it together as had taken the old bed and mattress to the tip in morning. If it wasn’t completed she wouldn’t have anywhere to sleep!


Day 94 – Thursday 4th April

Dad finally had his appointment with the liver consultant. She was pleased as dad is doing really well. Liver function is actually pretty good considering how badly damaged it is….the recent scan has shown it hasn’t worsened. Kidney’s are slightly dodgy but they have been like that for a while. The only concern at the moment is his blood pressure. She said she would write to the GP about giving him another tablet in addition to the one he already takes for his blood pressure. She said we have to try to get it down slowly as if its brought down suddenly then that is dangerous too. So will have to wait and see if this extra tablet helps. After school Bee and I made a 3D Eugy Unicorn we had received in return for an Instagram post.


Day 95 – Friday 5th April

The uncles funeral was today so we all went to Birmingham. I took the girls too and handed in leave of absence forms. Will have to wait and see if we get fined. Didn’t really take pictures of anything except some food we had on the way home. These are chicken pakora.


Day 96 – Saturday 6th April

Bee was at Rainbows all day. They had a special event going where they had lots of activities; swimming, dance, rugby and even yoga! She said Yoga was boring. Took the opportunity to spend some quality time with the eldest. We went out for lunch and then did a spot of shopping; she got a new watch.


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