Project 365 for 2019 – Week 27

Day 182 – Sunday 30th June

It was a friends 40th earlier in the week. She is a uni friend who I met in my last couple of years at uni and is one of my closest friends. Decided to go to Leicester with some birthday cupcakes and spend the day with her and her kids.

Day 183 – Monday 1st July

A relatively quiet day. Bee had cooking club after school and made a vegetable Jalfrezi.


Day 184 – Tuesday 2nd July

Yesterday evening I learnt that my Quran tutors mother had passed away in Egypt. As I see her also as a friend rather than just a tutor I went to her house today and spent the morning with her. Was heart breaking to see her so upset. Hubby then came home from work early so went out to lunch. After school tool the eldest to the local Islamic shop as she needed some new scarfs…and Bee wanted to get a bracelet she saw. Then in the evening went to a family friends house who’s daughter had recently got engaged….so went to offer our congratulations. A mix of emotions today.


Day 185 – Wednesday 3rd July

Another quiet day to be honest. Didn’t have my Quran class due to the bereavement so just did some washing and cooking. Had a wander around the garden to see what else had flowered. Loving all the colour in the garden at the moment. Bee found out today who her teacher would be for Year 2. She isn’t in a class with any of her close friends but to be honest I am a bit grateful. One was too dependant on Bee from what I could see…and with another she was always bickering about silly things and there seemed to be competition between the two. I am not worried as I know she makes friends quickly and therefore will be fine in her new class.


Day 186 – Thursday 4th July

Had my electrolysis appointment in the morning….then rushed home to take mum to her diabetic eye screening.  Then in the afternoon popped to Bee’s school to meet her new teacher and spend time in her new class. Her new teacher and TA both seem lovely. Eldest met us at Bee’s school at the end of the day and had made cakes at school. They were a bit raw though but managed to salvage them by putting them in the oven when got home. Apparently she put too much mixture into each case, so took longer to cook and then they run out of time as it was the last class of the day.


Day 187 – Friday 5th July

I had offered to help out today at the school as the Year 2’s were having a leaving treat – a morning with Lego! They had to build a lego city. The time just flew by and I was amazed at the kids creativity!

Then in the afternoon I went to the eldest’s school as she was taking part in the final of a Spelling Bee competition. Her house didn’t win but she did well…not sure I could stand there with a spotlight on me trying to remember spellings!


Day 188 – Saturday 6th July

All day spent at Bee’s karate today. She had her lessons until 1pm and then interclub at 1.30pm. I wasn’t sure she would want to take part in the competition after what happened at the recent fight night where she got a harsh punch to the face but she wanted to take part. Luckily this time she was in a group of 3 and they were all girls and roughly the same height. She won both her fights and came 1st! Will see what happens at the next interclub now but have warned her that sometimes she will have to fight with boys in these interclubs…and has to toughen up a bit if she wants to continue with them.

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