Project 365 for 2019 – Week 35

Day 238 – Sunday 25th August

Heatwave…so had to get the pool out….I got it out…filled it up….and she played in it for about all of 30 minutes before she came indoors. Well at least the plants all got a good watering at the end of the day!


Day 239 – Monday 26th August

Bank holiday Monday….really hot…and didn’t feel like doing anything again. So a day of general chilling, eating ice cream and watching TV! I also tried to get some blog work done but didn’t really get very far! Heres a picture of Rosie reflecting our mood for today.


Day 240 – Tuesday 27th August

Returned my car to get the colour issue with the bumper sorted and got given a basic Renault Clio as a courtesy car. It sounds strange but I had a hard time driving it…..I am now used to more powerful cars as mine is a diesel SUV so a small petrol car just felt weird to drive. Hubby had taken today off work and after I got home with the courtesy car we couldn’t decide what to do as we hadn’t planned anything. Ended up deciding to drive to London and check out the Science Museum. (In his car as I refused to drive the courtesy car and hubby wasn’t insured on it).

Must admit the family weren’t in awe with the place…most of the decent interactive stuff you had to pay for…and as it has been an expensive holiday already we were reluctant to pay for anything else. I think unless you have a genuine interest in old things then it is not for you. I think possibly the heat was getting to them too as even Bee was grumpy and normally she is always cheerful. I might have to go back alone at some point to have a proper look.


Day 241 – Wednesday 28th August

Eldest had her appointment with the orthodontist. They are pleased with her progress and at the next appointment they will be putting on the permanent braces – the ‘train tracks’. Not sure how long she will have to be on them but hoping it won’t be as long as they initially said as the removable ones haven’t been on for as long as they had said either.


Day 242 – Thursday 29th August

A busy day…went to pick up my car and the colour difference was still there. I took my car to the Ford Garage to get their opinion and they said that because my car is metallic and silver…and the fact that the bumper is plastic there will be a difference and even they may not be able to get an exact match. So have decided to give up the fight and just let it go.  Also went to get my mums budgie…he flew away and someone had handed him in to the vets. He had a dislocated hip which they had reset and given him painkillers and then the RSPCA rescue guy took him. Brought him home and parents were pleased to see him…we really thought some animal would have got him…he was lucky to survive. My nephew had already got my parents another budgie so now they have 3!

Then as hubby had taken a day off we took Bee to the park to learn how to ride a bike. She picked it up really quickly and had got her balance within 30 mins. The steering and braking was another story!


Day 243 – Friday 30th August

A quiet morning, managed to get my monthly gratitude post written up and then took the girls back to the park so Bee could practice her bike riding. She’s gotten the hang of steering now…but braking not so much and uses her feet a lot to stop! She will get there eventually! Her dad has said he will get her her own bike soon now that she can ride a bike as this one used to belong to her cousin.

We also noticed the park had some new ping pong tables! Luckily they were free so had a go at the table tennis!


Day 244 – Saturday 31st August

Was at karate with Bee until 2.30pm as she had an extra workshop today with the Bo Staff (stick). She now wants to do weapon training so it looks like we will be going to karate on Monday evenings also. Just need confirmation of date and time to see if we can fit it into our already hectic schedule. The eldest had expressed an interest in learning to ride a bike too after her sister kept winding her up about it….and after a shout out on FB my old Maths teacher said she had a bike in her shed. We went to have a look and ended up getting it. Cleaned it up…took it to the park and she did almost give up after 5 mins. After telling her I didn’t go through the hassle of picking it up, paying for it, and then putting the seats down in the car to get it home, cleaning it, getting it back in the car to take it to the park…for her to then give up after 5 mins and that she had to learn or we wouldn’t be going home….she persevered and picked it up in half an hour too.

So now both girls can ride and I may have to get myself a bike too so we can all go on bike rides.


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