Week 11 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 14th March – Day 73

We don’t really celebrate Mothers Day in a big way. The kids don’t bother with doing anything for me as their dad doesn’t bother…and this time I felt it. I think I was still feeling bit emotional from Rosie’s death. I got some cake and flowers for mum and dropped them off…and she reminded me she didn’t need flowers and cake….just phone calls checking they are OK are enough. And it gave me the reality check I needed. I don’t need just one commercialised day to show me the kids care.

Monday 15th March – Day 74

Went out to drop a bike off that I had borrowed from a friend last year as I was going to try to get into cycling. Realised I probably won’t be cycling for a long time and the friend wanted it back for the summer, so while hubby was on his day off I got him to do the lifting to put it in the back of the car. Then headed to Asda after a long time, haven’t been in a supermarket in ages. Hubby usually does the shopping and we try to stick with just one person going…but he doesn’t always get what I want so this time went along with him. Was surprisingly busy even though it was just after 10. Got Bee some unicorn ice cream to cheer her up. She has her down moments when she thinks about Rosie.

Tuesday 16th March – Day 75

Not a lot happening really. Just chilling and catching up with some Netflix. A keyring of Rosie arrived for me from a friend. Bee has also started her Multi Sports club after school again. Am glad she is getting some exercise again.

Wednesday 17th March – Day 76

Got some blog stuff done. Got a review up for a new book I recently purchased. Once Upon an Eid and a mug I had ordered arrived. My friend had told me about a ‘Rosie’ mug that was being sold to raise funds for a local cat charity and I couldn’t resist getting it. Had received an email from Bee’s karate re signing back up as they will be back at the dojo on 12th April if things don’t change. I was in two minds whether to sign her back up – I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to be mixing with even more kids when I am vulnerable and pregnant and also it might end up hard taking her once the baby has arrived. I ended up joining up again as didn’t want her to end up resenting the baby if she can’t go to karate because of the baby… and just take each day as it comes and get family help in taking her for a short while if need be.

Thursday 18th March – Day 77

A bit of cooking and cleaning today. A card arrived from a friend. It was meant to come with the keyring earlier this week but for some reason it was sent separately. My friend knew how much Rosie meant to me.

Friday 19th March – Day 78

Another day of blog work, caught up with some comments and completed a blog post about Ramadan and Eid books ahead of an instagram collaboration in the evening sharing some books. I was also pleasantly surprised to see the orchid in the eldest’s room doing well (in the picture).

Saturday 20th March – Day 79

I had been hoping to get out for a walk today but Bee has been sniffing since yesterday and she decided to curl up on the sofa with her blanket and teddy and rest. Usually Rosie would have joined her and gone to sleep next to her so she missed her. So it was a day of TV and tablets again. I also decided to rest up as a I had a slight bit of bleeding again last night and although it had stopped by the morning I felt achey so felt it was best to relax. Have been feeling baby kicking so just taking it easy as have an appointment next week with the midwives and consultants anyway. ( I have bled in previous pregnancies so seems the norm for me). We planned a takeaway in the evening.

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