Week 13 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 28th March – Day 87

Cold got worse today so I spent pretty much all day in bed with a box of tissue and watching Prime on the laptop while I left the kids to watch Netflix downstairs. Then ordered Fish and Chips in the evening as just didn’t have the energy to cook anything today.

Monday 29th March – Day 88

We decluttered the shed a few months back but realised we needed to be a bit more ruthless. Hubby had the day off work and as the sun was shining he decided to tackle it again. I was feeling slightly better so helped him….plus I didn’t want him throwing away anything I needed. Came across some old photos which brought back lots of memories.

Tuesday 30th March – Day 89

The sun was shining so I was on a mission to clean the windows. Took the net curtains down and washed them all and then got the girls to help clean the windows. Did want to go for a walk but with the weather so nice I knew the parks etc would be packed and I don’t want to mix with too many people while pregnant and while not having had the vaccine.

Wednesday 31st March – Day 90

Dad had a hospital appointment and as it was with the liver consultant I had to go with him. However when we got there the receptionists realised he had been sent the wrong letter and it was a telephone consultation….the consultant was working from home! So headed back to the car and the consultant rang on my mobile. Liver is stable based on the blood tests he had last week so that is a relief. I saw the flowers that I gave mum on mothers day and they have bloomed nicely.

Thursday 1st April – Day 91

Hubby decided to take today off work too to sort out the conservatory. It had been turned into a bit of a dumping ground. I had ordered a stand for the TV as it was on the table and we couldn’t use the table to eat. It had arrived last night to today we put it together. We hadn’t been using the table to eat as the cat food and cat litter had been in there but now that those things aren’t there we decided it was time to use the room properly. While he was home all my parcels arrived ! Including the charity dates I had ordered for Ramadan.

Friday 2nd April – Day 92

Another day of decluttering. Started on Bee’s room today and went through her clothes. Got her to try on all her dresses and most didn’t fit anymore so put them aside to give to a friend who has a daughter a few years younger than Bee, as a lot of them have only been worn a few times. Then my back ached a bit so rested up before cooking and then getting a blog post done on a book I had been sent: In my Mosque.

Saturday 3rd April – Day 92

A chilled out day. I haven’t fully recovered from the cold – every morning I end up waking up feeling rough but as the day goes on I do feel better. Decided to just chill and not do much. Just generally feeling fed up as the cold messed with my sugar levels a bit and sick of not being able to eat what I want. Think hubby realised I was feeling a bit fed up as he got me an Orchid plant as he knows I love them. Our luxury Chocolate Ramadan calendar also arrived for the girls – can’t wait to try the chocolates and sweets! Only 9 days till Ramadan!

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