Week 14 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 4th April – Day 93

A sunny day although not as warm as it has been before but headed over to the parents house. Bee took her bubbles so she could play in the garden. Was nice to chill properly with the parents now that the restrictions have been changed and you can meet in gardens. I still saw my parents as had to take them to appointments but never really had the chance to relax properly at their house.

Monday 5th April – Day 94

I don’t go out much but hubby suggested I go to the shops with him to do some food shopping after I went and collected some clothes parcels. Found some easter chocolate, a galaxy orange bar I was looking for…and stocked up on some frozen foods and ice cream for the girls. Then I managed to get a reel on instagram done for a Ramadan Reflections Journal I was sent from Islamic Moments.

Tuesday 6th April – Day 95

Not a lot happening today to be honest, just being lazy and lounging around. Got an IGTV review up on a new children’s book we were sent: My First Book about Ramadan.

Wednesday 7th April – Day 96

I recently found a local lady on instagram that sells houseplants. After ordering one from online which was a bit sick and not sure it will recover I decided to get some from this lady. So pleased I found her as her plants are such good quality. Went and collected them today and was tempted to get more! Hubby also decided to get a chest freezer which I ordered and will be delivered tomorrow. So I spent some time clearing up and making space for it.

Thursday 8th April – Day 97

Stuck at home for most of the day awaiting the delivery of the freezer. While waiting we decided to start our Ramadan decorations and made a reel for instagram. We just decorate the fireplace and keep it simple. Once the delivery arrived we headed to a local shop that is having a grand opening on Monday and wanted to gift Bee an outfit of her choice. Once she had picked we headed to the park for an hour late afternoon with Bee’s friends and their mum. Was nice to get out for a walk and some adult chat that was actually face to face!

Friday 9th April – Day 98

I have been wanting to get some plants for some time but didn’t fancy the 20 min drive to a place I had found and wanted to check out. Got annoyed today and decided to just drive rather than waiting for anyone else to take me – lets just say hormones were making me mad at the hubby who hadn’t actually done anything wrong. Was pleasantly surprised that when I put it in the sat nav it was actually just 9 mins away! She had quite a selection but not all that I wanted…but we still got a bit carried away and got a few bits. Planted a couple but then when I checked the forecast I realised that it is going to hit -1 and -2 at night over the next couple of days so decided to put the rest in the conservatory until after the weekend. I also got a blog post live about helping your child deal with the loss of a pet.

Saturday 10th April – Day 99

Woke up in a stressed out mood and that feeling that something is going to go wrong. Ended up eating chocolate I probably shouldn’t have. A friend had suggested we go over to her house in the afternoon but not in the mood and the weather isn’t that great to be out in the garden. So a day on the sofa instead and a spot of gardening as trying to figure out where I am going to plant the plants I got yesterday. Did make some cookies first.

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